
American-Serbian Business Council (ASBC) membership is open to any U.S.-based company interested in establishing and building its commercial ties in Serbia. The ASBC is the primary venue for interacting with the U.S. and Serbian governments to address challenges to and advancing opportunities for improved business relations between the two countries.


Our Services


Visiting Dignitary Events

ASBC hosts economic meetings with Serbian officials visiting the United States. These intimate and interactive events provide members with an opportunity to educate, network, and build productive relationships.

USG Engagement

ASBC is a forum for briefing senior U.S. Administration officials and Members of Congress about member companies’ policy and market priorities in Serbia.

Business Missions

ASBC leads annual delegations of member companies to Belgrade to meet with top Serbian officials and inform them about key challenges to foreign investment.


ASBC works closely with the Embassy of the Republic of Serbia to the U.S., the Embassy of the U.S. to the Republic of Serbia, and select Serbian business groups to enhance mutual commercial interests and opportunities in Serbia.


Our Membership Levels


ASBC Board Membership


Benefits include:

  • Board of Directors membership with organizational voting rights.

  • Ability to lead and direct the Council.

  • Invitation to all Council events, including annual business missions.

  • Placement of the company logo on the Council website.